Bengaluru Man Alleges Theft by Movers and Packers: A Nightmare Unfolds

Bengaluru Man Alleges Theft by Movers and Packers: A Nightmare Unfolds

Bharat Admin      Date: 20/08/2024 10:52 pm


  Relocation can be quite a challenge and it is therefore very important that one gets a good moving company. However, not all such experiences are rosy. There is an emerging case of a man, Ankit Mayank from Bengaluru who recently wrote a narration of his unpleasant encounter with Halef International Pvt Ltd a reputed movers and packers firm who are alleged to have stolen and mismanaged his property. A brief analysis of the accident that took place and key advice that might help to have a worry-free move.

The Incident

  Ankit Mayank hired Halef International Pvt Ltd for his house move on 14 August. From his posts on his different social media platforms, what was meant to be an enjoyable moving process became a nightmare. Mayank said that after a seven-member team of the company disappeared, ?2 lakh in cash, gold earrings and gold bangles were stolen from the house. He also alleged that there was a ?8 lakh bag missing and the movers had trashed up his house.

  Mayank shared disturbing details about the state of his home post-move: files were either misplaced or destroyed; exotic fragrances and acting pens with gold plating too were either stolen or destroyed. He said he could not stand it getting emotional saying that some of the stolen items included his wife’s sickly mother’s property.

Company’s Response

  Half International Pvt Ltd said that an investigation was conducted in the wake of the allegations. There was an understanding that the couple should personally take their valuable personal belongings with them, and the company accused the couple of illegal detention of their team and the car. They dismissed them as acts of blackmailing the firm through social media.

Ways to Avoid Moving Swindles and Have a Great Experience

1. Research and Verify: When you are seeking the services of a moving company always make sure that you carry out your research well. Read the customers’ feedback and opinions in the form of reviews, ratings, and testimonials. Check the company’s registration status, it has to be accredited adequately insured and licensed.

2. Get Multiple Quotes: Ask for quotes from at least three different moving companies. Look at the cheapest one, the offers they provide and the charges that are not included. Make sure that you are clear on all the quotes and all the possible charges are well elaborated.

3. Do Insurance and Licensing: Ensure that the movers have enough insurance that cover the movement of their items. This will shield you in the event of any loss or destruction of your property in the course of moving. Also, it is good to check if the company is accredited by the right bodies or not.

4. Read the Fine Print: Take your time and read the different terms and conditions of the moving contract. Make sure the following matters concerning the personal belongings, insurance and procedures of lodging a claim in the event of loss or damage are well spelt.

5. Document Everything: Inventories all the items, is recommended before the intended move or relocation. Take pictures of the subject affected and make a list of what needs to be done. This can be important, particularly in a situation where any of the items are lost or destroyed during the moving process.

6. Be Cautious with Valuables: It is recommended that ‘cash, jewellery, and vital documents should be moved personally’. Well even if it is repute movers they might not treat these goods with the same precautions that you would.

7. Communicate Clearly: Always be in touch with the moving company. Make sure they are informed of any extra directions or guidelines that you possess. Miscommunication can lead to awkward situations where your items are handled in ways you may not approve, therefore having clear communication can be useful.

8. Conduct a Final Walkthrough: Before the movers let you go, make sure that you give a final inspection of your house and the moving company’s truck. Make sure that all the cargo that has been packed was taken and there was no item left behind. Ensure that all contents are packaged in as good condition as they were when you packed them.

Measures to Undertake If You Fall Victim to a Scam

1. Document the Issue: At the same time, it is essential if you notice that you have fallen for a scam, then ensure that all the evidence regarding the scam is well documented. This comprises photographs detailing the damages, a list of lost items and any form of communication made to the moving company.

2. File a Complaint: Always fully file your complaint to the moving company, this can be so useful. Offer all the factual support information, which you have gathered if there is any. Ask for a written reply and arrangement for a fix.

3. Contact the Authorities: If all your grievances are not met, go and report the matter to the police department. It is only right to unveil all the paperwork and documentation of the episode to the parties involved.

4. Contact Information on the Consumer Protection Agencies: Reporting to consumer protection agencies/ regulatory bodies. They can help in many ways and perhaps may be in a position to solve it.

5. Use Social Media Judiciously: Awareness does not have to be raised through social media, and when it is, do it appropriately. Make sure that claims made should be valid and original. Do not make allegations you will have to prove in court because this may cause legal implications which may not be easily handled.

6. Consider Legal Action: Failing all that, one might try and consult a lawyer. Seek the services of a lawyer who will explain to you your rights and all the possibilities open to you in the search for compensation.


Relocation means one has to move from one place to another, and the process should be as smooth as possible, but certain challenges such as the following make it a nightmare. 

Choosing a reliable moving company, keeping records of all the actions and the legal knowledge about the rights will help avoid common moving scams. Nevertheless, when problems occur, knowing how to navigate and act can assist you in seeking a solution and getting back your losses.